I guess some students might think,” I do the same things every day, and there’s nothing exciting. What can I do to change that? “Here are some ways you can inspire, refresh, and enhance your creativity. Please stop your daily routine. Routines send your brain into a comfort zone. When you do the same things every day, like going to school the same way, eating the same food, and reading the same textbooks, your brain goes into auto pilot, which prevents it from being stimulated by new experiences. Try to keep things fresh; do things differently. Take a different route to study. The freshness will stimulate your mind, keep it active and ultimately make it more creative.
Creativity happens when the brain is stimulated. A new environment is definitely the most stimulating environment. Think of babies: everything around them is new. They are filled with curiosity and love to explore everything! Perceive your environment as a tourist would. You might see something new and it might spark a new idea! In addition, a research team at Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine recommends that we drink a few glasses of water within the first 45 minutes of bouncing out of bed. Hydration is incredibly important, especially after waking up. To start, let’s drink a glass of water, shall we?