It is often said that a man can do anything he wants to, once he puts his mind to it.
I don’t think that is always true. Many people are obsessed with finding the perfect achievement or the perfect friend, and as a result, become increasingly frustrated when this does not happen in reality.
When things do not work out the way we had planned, we tend to feel down and constantly on edge, saying,” I want to quit. I can’t take it any more.” However, we rarely find exactly what we’re looking for. Hope for the best, but expect a little less. Remember, the magnitude of your happiness will be directly proportional to your thoughts and how you choose to think about things. Even if a situation or relationship doesn’t work out at all, it’s still worth it, because it makes you feel something new, and it teaches you to think outside of the box. Again, who is hurting you? It’s not somebody else. It might be your expectations, which are too high.
It’s good for students to be accepted at the best schools, but I do hope that in everyday life, you study regularly without worrying too much about your daily test results.