Have you ever noticed how people instinctively flip their heads back (almost leaning backwards) when someone comes up directly into their face? You can’t get a fix on a person’s face if he or she is right up against you. Personal space may vary in size for an individual depending on the situation, his or her emotional state, gender, and the relationship with the other person. We stand closer to people whom we like. Sometimes people erect actual boundaries to stake claim to their personal space. Leaving an “occupied” sign on an airplane seat, draping a coat over the back of a chair in a restaurant, arranging a towel and sunscreen on a hotel poolside lounge, or spreading books at a library desk indicate this place is mine, and I will be returning to claim it -so keep off! In fact, most people get pretty peeved if someone deigns to move their markers. “Hey, I was here first!”
People often mark where their territory begins or ends. It is a part of human nature to create and preserve their territories just like national boundaries.